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Sekhem for animals

Animals respond to Sekhem much the same way as humans do, for we are all creatures of the Earth. Humanity and Nature are a partnership . Sekhem works brilliantly with all life forms. Even plants respond to healing vibrations. Do they all reincarnate? Well, that’s another matter. But what I can say is that my dog has had a past life or three.

Healing Jessie, our cocker spaniel

Jessie is our family dog. She’s in the picture with me here. Most of the time she is as bright as a button, but on three occasions she has fallen seriously ill. Each time the symptoms were identical, even though the illnesses were years apart. On each occasion she managed to wrench her spine and ended up in agony. She also went into shakes and had a cold sweat on her head. She was fearful ,wouldn’t move, wouldn’t drink and finally managed to drag herself over to the most difficult place in the house to reach. In other words she chose to live, but she wanted a break from us. She wanted peace and quiet. Dogs do not think about death. They choose life, and they do it with love in their hearts.

Jessie’s syndrome of escalating symptoms came from one choice, and that was to jump off the bed. Not once but on three specific occasions. Jessie jumps off the bed all the time. She’s a real nuisance with her wet little paws all over the bed covers. So what made her jump so differently, for she is a creature of habit you ask me. Simple. she was being ignored. We were about to go on holiday and she got upset. I want to come, she wailed. Well, you can’t, we’re going abroad. Well, in that case I will make a nuisance of myself. And off she jumps and ends up in agony on the floor. That is a summary of Jessie’s mindset at soul. Obviously down here she is a simple little soul with little concern for anything. She has no sense of self esteem. But upstairs at soul level she is an egoist. Little dogs have huge egos, and their actions reflect their soul value.

None of this is obvious to a vet. He will merely cope with the physical manifestation of that soul issue. He will do what he can to relive the pain. What sekhem does is heal the soul of its limited mindset, thereby allowing our pet to gradually turn the corner and get better. Reiki allowed her spine to readjust. The two combined made her better. Just in time, I might add, for us to go on holiday. Without that reiki/sekhem we could have been stuck. Her twisted spine recovered over several weeks. Spines reflect ego. Walk tall, that kind of thing. If you can’t walk then your mind has allowed itself to become subservient. Dogs are very subservient but their egos are huge. Jessie is now passed over sadly. A fourth jump later on was the final jump of the season. A season is her lifespan with us. Dogs have seasons, we humans have incarnations. I am talking spiritual speak here. To conclude, Reiki can allow a dog to fulfil its potential, but it won’t allow a dog to stay when there is no point. The season is over so off she goes, popping her clogs at another inconvenient moment except that she did allow us all to have a party in her name. We were planning a book party this summer to celebrate my first publication entitled ‘Atlantis and Gaia’. Well, it was an in memoriam moment as well.

Dogs can be clever at their departure. The party was a huge send off for her, everyone asking where she was and so on. Then off she toddles over the bridge of Forgiveness, for she had been feeling ignored for some while, and is now resting at peace in the Temple of Sampir where she can renew her vows with Arcadian work later on. That is spiritual stardust to you, but to Jessie it is a real venture yet to be had. She will come back full of enthusiasm for another season within the Rose household, maybe this time in a future incarnation where my grandchildren will allow a pet into their home territory. Who knows. It is Jessie who decides the outcome.She’ll reincarnate one day, but for now she is taking a well earned break from humanity.

Stages of growth.

Not every condition can be healed in a single session, or indeed healed at all in the physical sense. I had no control over a hip replacement for Jessie’s etheric leg. She simply had come up against a monstrous fall, and it was time to leave the planet for good. Healing is a process. I know this may sound like common sense, but you would be surprised how many people breeze in with an animal or two, and expect a miracle over night. It does not, and cannot, work like that. Miracles are for story books. Healing takes time, and it may mean that your animal will require repeated sessions of Sekhem before they get better.

Dogs are not inanimate, and neither are other animals. They are part of nature, and each has its own soul. Taking the time to heal your pet with Sekhem holds massive benefits, It heals the way forward to a partnership for life which is healthier, wholesome and far more grounded,. Illness of any kind is unusual in nature. Animals do not fall ill of their own accord. It is their partnership with mankind which has upset the apple cart. So if you suspect that your animal is unusually ill or it acts differently from normal, its nature has changed. This is usually when the family environment has forged a new path, and the animal is feeling lost. For animals and pets both like to feel part of a homeland. They need security of sorts. If the land alters in any form, then they can go to pieces. So here we have a situation where the land may need to be healed as well.

Photo: Mary with her dog Jessie near her home in Oakham, Rutland

Background: PatersonGreatFalls 'moon' 2015