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What we are today
comes from our thoughts of yesterday.
Our life is the creation of our mind.
— The Buddha (Nepal) 5th century BC


Positive Healing Outcomes

Healing is positive vibrating energy.  Living light energy.  Today there are many different healing systems on the Earth, including Sekhem and Reiki.  Each system works in a slightly different way, and on its own vibrational input of belief.

All thoughts alter truth,. What Sekhem does is to correct that truth so that you then harness your belief correctly. Beliefs matter. They are the reason we get ill for a start. Beliefs are the reason we want out of this world. It is called kill set upstairs. That means a suicide bid down here. Beliefs are everywhere. A correct belief system rather than a delusional ray of sunshine state makes your mindset content with its lot. That is important. Contentment means that Gaia’s world is free from warfare and litigation. We all benefit from a person who is content. On the other hand a delusional state of bliss creates warfare every day. We believe we are correct, and so we will fight the other person in the street who says differently. That is called a huge ego of discontent. Wars progress from discontent, and mountainous obstacles are created by neighbours being resentful. Everything hinges on the correct belief at soul. So as you can tell, my life is spent correcting your discontent and turning it around into a contented nobody special. We all have hopes of power and celebrity. But if you think about it, most of us benefit more from a friendly neighbourhood. Reiki creates both. It simply depends on where your talents are placed. You can be propelled into a celebrity status by a reiki master such as me. Alternatively, you may find yourself so chilled out that gardening is the greater fun state.

The higher the  healing ray vibration, the more potent the effect can be.   Sekhem energy is of a very high and concentrated vibrational frequency. Accessing the human energy field, it unlocks deeply buried delusions. It can also heal you at soul where delusions arise. Reiki on the other hand is a powerful method of healing a wart, or even a glandular fever situation. Reiki can heal the physical landscape without needing to go into all the ins and outs of the karma that has caused it. That is not cheating. It simply breaks through into the physical aspect via the ether and deals with it. Sekhem, on the other hand, may take out the same condition at source, so that it is gone for good.

Nonetheless sometimes we need healing fast, and that is reiki to me and you. Forget the soul aspect. That can wait. Another life will deal with the same physical locality in a different manner. Sickness reincarnates just as we do, albeit in a milder manner. Perhaps you had a wart on your nose and reiki healed that. In a future life form you may find you have a blocked nose. So you go to a herbalist and deal with it. Herbs heal at soul value, so that is fine. Your condition will arise for a reason, and it can be healed. That is all you need to know here. Maybe by me, maybe by a herbalist later. One way or another, you may feel substantially better by trying alternative medicine.

The role of healing within you

Sickness of any kind is an important wake up call. This can occur for multiple reasons, but the main intent from the spiritual aspect is to make you become more aware of your role in life. Sickness occurs when your spiritual destiny, otherwise known as your life path, is on the point of going off plan. It is this imbalance of energies which creates sickness.


mediumship with healing at home £45

A chat is a chat. That means I tell you what I hear in answer to your questions. I can use tarot cards although I rarely look at the real meaning. I hear my spirit guide chatting away in my ear, and I often repeat what he says. He will answer you direct. Indeed I often hear a ‘no’ or a ‘not’ well before you have finished your questioning. That is because he is disagreeing with your argument. He can sense where you’re going and will break through into your dialogue. Thor , my spirit advisor in this role, is a busy fellow. He must connect with your spirit guide, ask a few pertinent questions of your past life or lives,, for he cannot know it all, and then get back to me via clairaudience or indeed telepathy. Thor is a busy spiritual being. That is why it matters what you ask me. He gets annoyed if he has wasted your time through mumbles or indeed grumbles about the world in general. Thor likes you. He wants to please you.

Spirits upstairs are all servants of the Earth proletariat.. They are there to help you with your lesson. The more you connect with my spiritual advisor via the market place called Forum Main Street, the more Thor, or indeed your very own spirit guide, can allow you to progress on your path. The Forum is the meeting parlour where a spirit guide will confab with another member of the healing community. When he understands your condition, he can then tell you what you need to hear to get you on a healing path to somewhere useful. After all, the more you understand about your background, the better you can intuit what your next move could be.

My spirit guide is real. He is not a weirdo entity dropping by in order to frighten you. He is not a ghost. He loves you. , You are most likely to get a detailed response from soul if you take him seriously. He doesn’t like being laughed at. He could rebel and stop speaking. He does that on occasion. It is when the querent is an atheist. Then I have to intuit a response from your homeopathic constitution, and get you moving in a different direction of travel, such as using a prescription pad. Homeopathy is a useful extra tool.

What I achieve is pure mediumship. This is not playground fantasy. It is real. But what it won’t be is a written up summary of your statement. In other words, you will have no chart or official paperwork to go home with. That takes much more time. See below for that special work.

I often combine mediumship with reiki/sekhem. I allow you to rest in a chair while I put my hands upon your head. Thoughts flow into my mind as they will do in yours. We may chat about how the healing is progressing. You may see lights or feel heat. Meanwhile I experience subjective pains where the healing is taking place. I can tell you that. Or maybe I am too busy giving you wisdom from the Spirit Salve - the healing community which gathers around the chair to heal your chakras and so on. They talk about your condition, your state of mind, your karmic entail, indeed they can talk about the weather outside. They are a cheerful crowd, and it is they, and not me for I am merely a channel for their healing enterprise, who will heal your condition.

mediumship via the written record £95

If you contact me for a full on understanding of your present circumstances then I need facts to go on. I cannot intuit what it is that you are from a distance. I know that sounds like a sham, but it is important to understand your situation. Otherwise my guide will bring through half truths about your present situation. We are all a combination of past lives, future lives and present day moments. The way I work is to link the future to the past via the present day.

Let me give you a scenario. You are secretive in the extreme. Most people are by the way. That is the norm for any clairvoyant. No one speaks, they simply sit in silence and wait for the great oracle to say something. So you take a seat in my home and you say nothing. Zilch. Well, nothing comes through. That is because you haven’t asked anything. Spirit guides answer. They do not hang about waiting and they certainly do not say what is not required. They are impatient for truth to manifest. A spirit guide will never tell you something you have no need to know, and that includes whether you have been a famous person in a past life. They have no interest in celebrity upstairs. But if you give me an inkling of what it is that is bothering you, then they may tell you the truth. You were King Cnut in a past era maybe, and you lost the plot. You were as mad as a hatter and you threw your jewellery into the sea and sand at the beach. It got lost and now you have a fear of wearing jewellery. Indeed it tends to give you arthritis in that area. I simply cannot take chemicals at all, you wail. No, I say, it is not so. You have a delusion that you may lose a precious piece of jewellery and therefore your own skin is rejecting anything metallic. Heal the delusion and your skin will repeal its remit to be difficult, then the arthritis should clear up and so on.. And if you’re wondering whether that was the reason Cnut told the tide to stay away from the shore, it was. He was furiously looking for his jewellery.

Spirits come out with facts for a reason, and it is not to flatter your ego. On the other hand, it may be rather fun to believe that you have been an Anglo Saxon king or whatever. You could even go back and discover his landscape through joining a local history society. You may go on tours of his lands and regain some of that healing energy he left there for you to retrieve in a future incarnation. Stranger things have occurred. Healing and/or mediumship leads you to places you could never have considered before you started your spiritual access journey. Healing is a way in to the spiritual landscape . Another door is through mediumship.

Send me a few questions via email. My contact details are on the website top right. If I can help you I will.