Reincarnation in Gaia's Bower

by Diana Mary Rose (2024)

A tantalising glimpse into the spiritual aspect of life on Earth. This book removes any consideration that we only live once. We do not. We live multiple existences and we enjoy each one according to the dictates of our karmic record sheet. The author cleverly balances reincarnation with Gaia's powers of Earth regeneration. She takes you on a wonderland of celebrity situations , mixing metaphor with reality, karma with truth, tangled relationships with soul desires. This is a truly entertaining read, and it is informative too. No one can resist Diana's style. It is zany, affable, crazed and forbidden. The author sees beyond the veil of our truth and dips her toe into eternity.

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Atlantis and Gaia: Magic, Reincarnation, Covid and Earth Healing Today

by Diana Mary Rose (2023)

A mystical storyland of past life encounters, Atlantean heroes, musical maestros and psychic awareness., I discuss life on Earth from the spiritual perspective,. That includes karma, reincarnation and most definitely Gaia’s heritage which to me means fairyland and its array of healing herbs, plants and homeopathic remedies.

My book is full of stardust appeal. By that I mean that it lists many a celebrity within its covers. My incarnational heroes include. Will Shakespeare, John Lennon, Rasputin, Princess Margaret, Julius Caesar, Aristophanes, Plato, Vivaldi and the ever present George Harrison. His name crops up a lot. Well, he was Vivaldi for a start. One past life is interesting, but an entire network of lifetimes is fascinating beyond wonder. That is what I attempt to do. Link each lifetime and show how karma and life in general move you and me forward through time. This is known as the karmic play on Earth.

“A wonderful book that incorporates many of the author’s incredible talents as a healer and a psychic that is easy to understand and easy to use” – Grammy nominated star David Young

“Having now read this book twice, and back-to-back at that, I can honestly say that Atlantis & Gaia is such an interestingly curated and eye-opening book on the subject matters to hand that I myself can ever recall having come across.” – Exclusive Magazine (Read the full review here)

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