spirituality and you
Your enhanced guidance
To be privy to the hidden secrets of the Universe is a very exciting thought. In a sense this is what mediumship is about - providing you with answers to life's mysteries. These can be on a personal level or on a global scale. I can do that, but only if you ask me something pertinent. For example, how come my eczema is so bad? Well, I could tell you, that is because you were a bad boy in Ancient Rome. You jumped into the river Tiber and then you disappeared beneath the surface. When you came back up your poor mother had had a heart attack. Never will I ever do that again, you thought back then. So when you go to the seaside today, and certainly whenever you go to Roma, your eczema flares up. That is true, you tell me. My eczema is bad whenever I go near water. It’s especially bad in the bath. That is why I tend to have a shower. It’s easier.
Now you can see that I have a dialogue going. That makes it very easy for my mediumship to flow. You are now joining in. Spirits are sociable. Moreover they can get irritable when a person does not chip in with the odd further point. A monologue is dry and dusty. Spirits like to interact.
My mediumship instructs but it is also fun. Indeed it can be downright wacky at times. After all, here I am discussing your eczema as an aspect of karma. I don’t need to do that. I could suggest you contact a homeopath. On the other hand, you may enjoy understanding how events occurred. I could even suggest that it is your grandmother at soul who is interacting today. She saw you dive into the water, and it is she who is allowing your eczema to flare when it does. She connects your etheric layer with seawater and whoosh, off it goes every time you bathe. That is not because she is nasty. It is because she cares. She wishes to relieve you of the burden of deceit. Your presence on Earth is a sham, she is shouting from abroad. Get on and tell the old bat how much you hate her. That sort of thing. A good shouting match can bring about healing, rather than keeping it all uptight and nice within your current household. Not too much obviously, otherwise there is war. Feuds are not good for they tend to spill over to a future incarnation. Life is all about balance.
Spirits only tell you things when they believe they are of value to you today. You need to think your questioning strategy through. Don’t ask for everything at one go. Just bring up a few interesting questions and I can go from there. Everything in mediumship revolves around the correct questions so that a useful answer can be contrived on your behalf. That Tiber story came through because you enquired about your eczema, not because it was necessary to understand in any other context. You could have been Julius Caesar in that lifetime, but that didn’t come through. What came through was the correct response to your questioning.
Endless light
The world appears to be an endless cycle of random events, but that is not true. Life is planned out at Source. Your condition or situation is always connected in some respect to your karmic entail. That means that your karma brought through from a prior era is interfering with your soul value. Your instinct, aka freewill combined with psychic awareness, makes you do things which are meant to create certain karmic situations, and then you can heal them. So when you ask me about your very own ‘annus horribilis’, to quote the Queen in 1992, there will be a karmic reason for that occurrence. It may not be nice and wholesome, but it will be why you suffered recently. Random events are rarely random. They are planned out at soul so that you can be rid of prior karma which has been piling up during your current lifetime.
Take the Queen. Elizabeth R changed her tax status as a result of Windsor Castle burning down. Allegedly I say with a wink and a nod to all the other dark and dismal events over that timespan. Two of her children divorced and so on. The Windsor fire was the last event. It triggered a restructuring of the Queen’s finances. Her entire thinking pattern changed in that one instant. That needed to occur.
IIlness and you
Your illness is not karmic. It is caused by your freewill. That is true, and yet karma creates sickness through your mindset. In order to get you well, there has to be a new mindset. Take the Queen I mentioned earlier. She needed to understand the world had changed. Had she not achieved that accolade at soul, she could have become cancerous. That would have meant she would have had to give up her reign and allow Charles to take over. Maybe he could have become another Prince Regent. And so on. That would have meant that Charles would have had to put on hold all his workshops about the green environment and that would have affected his relationship with Diana and her boys. Diana at soul may have reconciled, her feud and stayed with the prince to allow him support at his greatest time of need. Then the boys would not be warring now. They would have grown up within one firm unit of love and security. That could impact on Meghan Markle. She would never have become a new princess, for Harry would have loved another more suitable applicant. What I mean is that everything changes when one member of your family takes the wrong step forward. Luckily, the Queen woke up and allowed her throne to remain correctly addressed. A term which means she was meant to reign for a very long time, and she did.
Well, you tell me, that sounds like a far better option. Allow the Queen to deny her soul right to reign for a very long term, and then everyone else benefits. That is true. But it does not work like that. The Queen needed to understand something important. And she did, so that is the correct balance downstairs. The House of Windsor is in disarray, not because of the Queen’s longevity but because it needs a refit. It is structurally unsound. King Charles has it all in hand though. He will renovate it and move forward into the Aquarian Era. No problem is insolvable.
Life is not moral
It is also true that healing per se does not fix you up successfully on the moral path to eternity. Healing can make you judgemental And then you fight your cause. You can become a protagonist via the healing pathway. Look at Jesus. He fought the Romans off all the way back to Rome. He did not do that through contemplative prayer. He became strong and fought like a lion. That was willpower alone, and it was brought through via the healing pathway. Sometimes you simply have to make a decision to change your plan. And then life takes off again. Sekhem allows you to do that via its healing ray. Sekhem heals at soul. That changes your decision making, and then you take the correct path for your mission instead of the easy way out. That will be you allowing your new powerful thought patterning to take over from the nice person you are right now. I am not talking violence here. I am merely saying that a forthright personality is sometimes necessary to get things moving.
Illness can be a cautionary tale. Be strong and it all goes away. But only if you take the healing pathway to hell first. That means allowing out your demons, spatting at all and sundry and then allowing your inner nerd to become poetic maybe. Healing comes in many forms, and it is also true that recovery comes in a similar mishmash of styles or retributive measures. On the whole though, when you arrive at my door I will acknowledge your state of mind and physical condition via the reiki route to ill health, Reiki heals the physical aspect of Life Eternal. Then you will sense a greater degree of understanding. and bring through some guidance from afar. In your sleep maybe. Dreams come from soul. They do not directly affect you. They gradually move you forward over time. Reiki is gentle. Your inner Hitler vibe will lessen over time, and not suddenly splurge itself over the dinner table., allowing its venom to decimate anyone in sight. Healing works slowly and gently. Reiki allows in greater wisdom to your daily doings.
Sickness allows you to express your demons
Life is an evolutionary pathways and some of that pathway is difficult terrain. Take me and my kids. I hope you have read my mini bio in another area of the website. I had to go through hell to allow my inner healer a pleasant day later on in life. Kids heal you through their illnesses. But it must also be said that they need support from you too. It is a two way situation. Your instinct kicks in big time when you have a conundrum such as a multi allergic child shitting itself everyday and you have no understanding of allergic reactions whatsoever. You learn fast. Then you consider your options and take a run at the problem. Take them around multiple healing sanctuaries until at last, phew, someone can do something. It is never the first person you go to who solves the issue. It is often the second to last, just as you, or me here, is wilting out of sheer exhaustion. But it worked and all is well. For now at least, until another scenario rears its ugly head and off you go again, shooting around the play fair called healing sanctuary for yet another miracle to occur. That was me for ten years or so. A distraught mother looking for an answer to yet another childhood ailment. Now, I could have taken the easy route, and I did, but chemical pills never worked. Indeed they were detrimental. So I learnt that too. Never trust a doctor with his drug store. He might do more harm than good. That is my honest appraisal of a doctor’s drug cabinet. Your situation will be different.
My mediumship
Reiki allows you to intuit. That is what it does best. It also heals the physical condition as best it may. Sekhem allows you to heal at soul. That allows you to intuit correctly for once, for much intuition comes with karmic intereference,. Freewill is also connected to karma. Reiki overrules karma only when it is safe to do so. Sekhem allows you to understand your situation with soul value attached. It will not allow you to understand life on Earth as it is. It will always give you the more abstract ideal, otherwise known as the greater picture. Instinct is important. If Adolph Hitler had better instinct he would have jacked in that artist thing and gone to medical school. As it was, his instinct was crap and he ended up decimating the Jewish community. That is how important instinct is.
My mediumship skills allow you to intuit correctly, for through my understanding at soul comes your answers. They are correctly written and not intuited via a third party. What I mean is that I hear words. I do not intuit understanding. That is the third party here. Intuition rests between the Earthen realm and the spirit realm. I go straight to spirit for my information. I hear it direct from my spirit guide Thor. This is known as telepathic clairaudience and it is superior to most mediumship. That is why I write so successfully. I mean two books published is no mean feat. The same accomplishment is used for you too. I write as I would in my books for you today. There is no difference in ability. It is called telepathic communication at soul.