“I had to be born again because
I had not fulfilled the task that was given to me”
Expedition Earth!
Every baby born on this planet arrives with an important spiritual mission already programmed into his (or her) DNA. As humans we are unconscious of this higher purpose but nevertheless it exists. Success in material terms (great power and wealth) is as nothing to fulfilling this mission.
Board Meeting
Just before the point at which a soul commits to its next incarnation a team of spirit workers come together to discuss the final preparations for the new human experience.
When I am shown this event clairvoyantly it is always in the setting of a Corporate Boardroom. Smartly dressed businessmen are seated at the Director's Table. The symbolism is clear. Each incarnation takes skilled organisation. Setting up the necessary synchronicity to 'make things happen' over a lifetime requires diligence. All details thoroughly checked, the Board finally gives its approval. Expedition Earth can proceed!
Mission Control
From conception a soul is officially on his journey. The task of overseeing the mission falls to close colleagues (soul group members) who have chosen to remain disincarnate for this very purpose. They maintain a close eye over the soul’s progress at all times, directing events when necessary.
In many ways a soul's guides fulfil a similar function to Mission Control, Houston. Just as NASA’s highly trained personnel support astronauts throughout their Space explorations so do highly trained spirit guides support souls during their Earthly adventures.
During a healing session I am sometimes aware of the team discussing problems that have cropped up and how best to resolve them. Their vocal intonation (heard clairaudiently) reminds me of Human Resources staff, a symbolic representation of the professional and business like nature of their role. Their discussions are helpful, efficient and yet kindly too - further qualities of an ideal H.R. department!
Individual Learning Plan
No two paths are alike, each life situation being tailored to the individual needs of the soul. Challenges are part of the path, with pre arranged ‘hurdles’ acting as stimuli to promote spiritual growth and wisdom.
A life path can be long or short. It all depends upon those decisions made earlier at the planning stage. It is a very human trait to mourn life cut tragically short. Remember the global outpouring of grief at the death of Princess Diana. But when death occurs early it has usually been planned that way. A completed mission, no matter what the age, means that it is time to go home.
All the World’s a Stage
A human lifetime plays out rather like a stage production. Written for the purpose of character development, dramatic highlights are included for maximum impact on soul growth. As the play progresses further opportunities for learning are written into subplots. Extra characters are brought in at well chosen moments, their purpose to help the leading man (or lady) succeed in accordance with the storyline.
Passers by
When I first went to university I was very shy, in part due to an isolated childhood in the Welsh Borders. We lived on a hill where opportunities for a stimulating social life were limited, to say the least. At Exeter I found myself sharing a room with a very outgoing and talkative history student called Pam. Despite being very different in character we got on well, and Pam regularly dragged me off to Guild socials, coffee parties and inter hall discos. Under her secure wing my inner confidence began to grow, and I found myself coping far better in social situations.
Just recently I have been shown how my friendship with Pam had a higher purpose. This was no chance meeting! She and I are part of the same soul group, our connection going back many lifetimes, even as far as Atlantis. Pam's purpose on this occasion was to help me over the hurdle of social adjustment at this pivotal moment on my life's path.
This is just one example of many hundreds, if not thousands, of pre planned little 'nudges' that we all experience on our journey through life.
Gut feeling
If a soul is in danger of wandering off his allotted path then his spirit guide will intervene in an attempt to get him back on track. A guide will use intuition, that ‘gut feeling’, to dissuade an errant soul from making a poor choice (spiritually speaking) when confronted with difficult decisions.
Years ago one of my work colleagues, Peter, was offered a fabulous job. The salary was excellent and work stimulating. This was definitely a move up in his career! But Peter couldn’t sleep, he was worrying too much. After much wrestling between his intuition and his sensible logic, Peter’s gut feeling won. He turned the job down – and was much relieved!
Ultimately Peter found it impossible to ignore his intuition. It was far too strong, relentlessly intruding on both his sleeping and waking hours, until finally he had to acknowledge the importance of its message. Of course no one can know how the alternative choice would have turned out, but one thing is for sure, Peter’s life was not meant to take that route.
Straying off the path
People tend to make wrong decisions about life direction when their intuition has been severely weakened. That inner voice or inner conscience simply isn't there to rely upon. In these cases a soul finds itself freewheeling, wholly dependent upon the self serving Ego for its decision making.
In a situation such as this Mission Control will endeavour to strengthen the intuitive faculties through healing in order to regain some kind of contact.