Death is the greatest mystery of all. Many have contemplated the reality of death. But what if it were possible to receive divine intelligence from the 'other side'? To be shown how death is merely a transition of great joy and peace. Seriously ill, and with only a few weeks left, this is exactly what happened to Andy.
Working with Spirit Guides
Whispers from a Dog's Soul
Monks, Masters & Lovers — A Chinese Healing Vision
Attracting Good Things
Weird & Wonderful Dreams
Karmic Debt
Old Age - Thriving on Seichim Healing
Seichim makes life easier for people in their old age. It is a positive and invigorating force for good, a catalyst for renewed optimism and joy. Perhaps most importantly it helps the elderly to understand that death is not the end. Knowing that we are all spiritual beings is of great comfort in these latter years.